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"Trust Your Gut offers a simple, powerful formula for how to sell your-self with integrity by trusting your intuitive instincts. If you put these ideas into action, you'll make more money in less time and have more fun along the way."

Cherie Carter-Scott, PhD - author of "If Life is a Game, These are the Rules: Ten Rules for Being Human" and "Negaholics: How to Overcome Negativity and Turn your Life Around."

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Sidney C. Walker & Associates,
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Trust Your Gut Author Sidney C. WalkerSid Walker is a pioneer in his field of expertise: selling yourself with integrity. As a management consultant and sales performance coach for twenty-five years, he has consistently demonstrated his ability to find innovative solutions to succeeding in business where everybody wins.


He has coached Presidents of Fortune 100 companies, hundreds of Fortune 500 executives, thousands of top salespeople from the best known companies, entrepreneurs, medical doctors, dentists, attorneys, CPA’s, CFP’s, consultants, and many others from a wide variety of occupations and skills. All these people had one thing in common, they wanted to be more comfortable, confident and effective selling themselves face to face to potential clients and customers.


The author of numerous publications on sales and self-promotion, Sid is a master at helping people identify the psychological barriers that are holding them back from success, and then finding empowering ways to overcome those barriers. He is a nationally recognized speaker and seminar leader known for his down-to-earth style and ability to create simple, highly effective techniques that can be put to immediate use with honor and integrity.


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